
My courses will probably surprise you, but my intention is that they CHANGE you.

You may sign up for an art-course with me, seemingly focused on tutorials and art techniques, but flowing throughout the course (or the book, or the project) will always be a strong undercurrent of something deeper. Something soulful. Something that will allow you to walk away changed, for the so-much-better.

If you need a safe place to explore your creativity…

If you want to be part of an inspiring, kindred-finding, art making community…

If you want someone to hold your hand while you dig a little deeper…

If you want e-courses and offerings that change something in you, and maybe even your life…

You’re in the right place.

There will be skills learned, and souls enriched.

Every single thing I produce (blog I write, coaching conversation I have, or advice I give) is rooted in the same foundational themes: Permission and Self-Mastery

Permission Granted to be you at your most true.

You deserve to feel pride at your very being. To see your secret dreams come true. To create, just because you feel like it! To belong but still be amazingly individual. To live without judgement from others, but more importantly, without judgement from yourself!

Permission Granted to find yourself,  love yourself, BE yourself,…and see how the Universe rewards you for it.

Now… what about self-mastery? 

Self what? Don’t I mean “self love” or “self care?”

No, I don’t. Self love is important,  but many of us, grown with children even, don’t even know who we really are beyond all the roles that we fill. So then who exactly are we loving?

Self care is the practice of maintaining our unique well-being through our own specific needs. Extremely important! But worthless, if we are constantly allowing ourselves to be drained. All that self care drips right on out of us immediately.

Self Mastery is deeper than both these terms, and once you have it, allows both self love and self care to be their very most effective. Self Mastery means figuring out your true self, and then loving THAT.

So there you have it…

If you need a safe place to explore your creativity…

If you want to be part of an inspiring, kindred-finding, art making community…

If you want someone to hold your hand while you dig a little deeper…

If you want e-courses and offerings that change something in you, and maybe even your life…

You’re in the right place.